1. for software information please go here.
2. for hardware information about how to make your own cable please read the next text:
a) layout
b) signals
c) diagrams of functions
a) general bloc
b) serial port layout/functions
c) MAX 232, ST 232 layout/functions
a) electronic diagram
b) board layout
c) making the cable. Advises and recommendation
· layout (view on camera)
· voltage signals
· serial port layout/functions
· MAX 232, ST 232 layout/functions
I wanted to buy an MAX 232 circuit but I found an equivalent IC: ST232. Ask at your electronic store for this kind of circuit and if they don’t have then ask for an equivalent. The important thing it is to have a supply voltage range 4,5 to 5,5 V. I recommend to buy a Plastic Package(the code is N for ST232) because it is easier to solder the circuit. You can download data sheet from http://us.st.com/stonline/books/pdf/docs/6420.pdfand see if it is equivalent.
You will see that I didn’t use the +Vcc voltage because it is active just a short time you turn on the camera. It is possible to use as a power supply but the circuit must a little bit more complicated for that. In the data sheet for this IC the maximum supply voltage is 6V so it is not a problem to use the battery voltage of F100 because it is not higher then6V.
So, you have to buy the following parts:
IC: ST 232CN /MAX 232 1 piece
Resistors: 200 K 1 piece
5 K 1 piece
Capacitors: 0,1 µF 5 pieces
DB-25 or DB-9 connector 1 piece
Cable 1 meter
8 pin round connector (used for S-VHS Philips/JVC camcorders)
· board layout
This layout depends of what kind of space do you have for the board and what sizes have the parts. I do not recommend my actually box because of the small space you have there (I put all the hardware in a plastic DB-25 connector and I had to cut in the plastic to fit the board and the parts).
· making the cable. Advises and recommendation
If you can get just the 8 pin connector it will be fine. You can solder any wire you want at connector’s pins. If you can’t find just the connector you will find the cable using this connector. Try to find a cable with two this 8 pin connector at each edge of the cable. You cut it in two pieces.It will be cheaper and also will have a spare part for the connector. The disadvantage (when you buy with cable) is that you don’t have all the wires in to the cable and you have to choose what wire do you need. There are some shielded wires so you use the shielded wire just for the ground signal.If you find only the cable please write me and I will recommend what wires do you have to use.
Depending of what will you find it will be necessary to “adjust” the form of the connector to fit into the camera. Also you have to keep in mind the correct position of the connector because you can rotate it and plug other pins than is necessary. Be very careful on it!
I use this cable more than a year without any problem. The person who wants to make his own cable should take his own responsibilities and risks for that.
Good luck!
Marcel Eremia